Tuesday, October 4, 2011

And he's back with a site redesign!

You may have been wondering: Where have I been?

Choose from the following:

Getting married.
Driving my wife's family from Japan around the Bay Area.
On my honeymoon.
Finishing up a huge paper.
Sick with meningitis.
Adopting a cat.

If you checked any of the above boxes, you're correct! Congratulations.

Yes, it's been a very busy time in my life, but I am finally back and promise to update more often than ever before.

Also, I hope readers like the site redesign. This is a new offering from Blogger. A dynamic theme that allows you to choose how you'll view it from the dropdown menu on the left. I'm a big fan of the "Magazine" look, so that's what I've set to default.

Also, here's a cool site: [http://opensnp.org/] Basically, they let you sign up and will host your DTC SNP chip data with them free (with all the consequences* that comes with).

Finally, this offer from 23andMe is interesting. $999 for an 80x human exome. That's raw data only, folks. No analysis. I've got a long post about this whole thing in mind that I'll put up in the coming days. Still, it's a great opening salvo in the DTC/PGM era. Exome-seq DTC is truly here. Finally.

*Consequences unspecified. You should be protected by GINA regardless and, honestly, if someone wanted to know your genotypes so bad they could just pick up that coffee cup you threw away last week and do it themselves. But whatever, you still better ask dad before you post half of his DNA on the web.


  1. First of all: Gratulations to your marriage!

    It's funny that you also don't see any real "consequences" of publishing DTC SNP chip-data. You are making the same point I always try to make: With 23andMe now being down to 99 $ it is not that expensive to just grab the disposable coffee cup (or something else containing your DNA you lose everyday somewhere) to get you genotyped.

    And with the prices falling even more I'd even argue that the days of genetic privacy are basically over. ;)

  2. Thank you. :)

    Yeah, I really don't think there's such a thing as "genetic privacy". How could you truly hide all of your genetic leavings? I think of GATTACA and how he had to scrub off his dead skin and vacuum his workstation every day. There's just no way, though.

    Rather than being so concerned about privacy, society should be concerned with protection. Let's admit that your genetics are not a secret and create policy to prevent our genetics from being used against us.

    It's a strange comparison, but it makes me think of the privacy and Facebook issue. People make a big deal out of privacy on Facebook. But Facebook is inherently not private. The difference is, you can choose not to use Facebook. It's going to be harder to choose not to leave your DNA all over the place. :)
